Plans have been submitted to Merton Council to develop the Locally Listed Kings Arms pub. The pub would remain, with a reduced internal area, an external enclosed cafe would be added, and a new building put to one side of the pub. On paper it sounds appealing. Sadly the proposals are poor. 

The proposed development, for appartments in a 'community living' arrangement, sounds interesting. But the pub itself would be overshadowed by a greedy and poorly designed new building that presents a tall, blank wall to Fair Green, while the proposed enclosed cafe obscures views of the pub.

As a local landmark the pub deserves much better treatment from both new builds. We have submitted comments to Merton Council arguing that the plans are not acceptable, and a redesign is needed. 

Read our comments here Kings Arms Pub 

See the documents relating to this planning application here.

Kings Arms 20 P2579 1


Kings Arms 20 P2579 2