A planning application to add two storeys onto the iconic Fair Green Parade at the heart of Mitcham Village would be extremely damaging to our town centre. This iconic 1950s building is a local favourite, and it plays a crucial role in framing the Village centre. An additional two storeys would destroy the scale of Fair Green Parade in relation to the rest of Mitcham Village centre. 

The proposal is part of a trend we are seeing in Mitcham for adding two storyeys onto existing buildings. Standor House and Deseret House are cuplrits. We are also in danger from a disasterous six storey build proposed by Merton Council's own company, Merantun, at Raleigh Gardens Car Park. Even individually these proposals blight Mitcham Village, and are detremental to its special character. 

Fair Green Parade is a very special building for Mitcham Village, and this development to intensify it is simply inapproprite. We have asked Merton Council to refuse the planning application. 

All the relevant documents about the proposal are here.

You can submit views to planning.representations@merton.gov.uk - include the number of the planning application which is 20/P0823 in the subject line of your email. Comments from individuals will not be published online. 

Read what we've said - Fair Green Parade Mitcham Society comments April 2020


Fair Green Parade planning application April 2020