55 Upper Green East - planning decision

A planning application for the listed building at 55 Upper Green East has been refused by Merton Council.

The application to move the front door of this former shop from the centre of the frontage to the right hand side was refused because:

"The proposed external alterations would have a detrimental impact toward the character and appearance of the Listed Building by obscuring the symmetrical shop front, it would have an undue impact toward its architectural significance and be detrimental toward the Mitcham Cricket Green Conservation Area. The proposal would be contrary to the London Plan (2016) Policies 7.4, 7.6 & 7.8, Policy CS 14 of the Merton LDF Core Planning Strategy (2011) and Policy DM D2, DM D3 of Merton's Sites and Policies Plan (2014)."

Rejecting this application is important because the building is one of the few clapboard buildings remaining in Mitcham and it is important to the local character including to the character of the Cricket Green Conservation Area.

Our objection was among a number made to Merton Council's planning team. You can read our comments in full Planning Application 18/P2797 55 Upper Green East, and all the related documents are at Merton Council's web site under the planning application number - 18/P2797.